When you are an aspiring author one of the hardest things to conceptualize is how to get started and how to get your book published once it’s complete. Putting your thoughts to paper can be daunting enough, but getting eyes on it is extra. It’s not always a case of “if you build it they will come” it’s more like “if you write it and no one sees it, does it truly exist?”
This is why many writers turn to book hosting sites that give them the readers they need and will boost sales worldwide. With a wide array of genres and topics, their books will find a home where you can track readership, printing, inventory, and sales.
Many independent writers and small businesses love being able to manage the process on a hosting site for a low cost while gaining a following and recognition around the world. Unlike a traditional publishing deal, a hosting site essentially helps market a book beyond what even the big publishing houses can do.
In today’s digital age, with social media being king, publishing and advertising is old school. Many self-published books become more popular than an author originally imagined. This is the power of the internet.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. What if you have amazing stories to tell but you’re not a writer? Or maybe you just don’t have the time to write for yourself. Some of the most popular authors use a ghostwriter to pen their novels. But what if you want the world to recognize you as an author? A ghostwriter doesn’t take any of the credit. You maintain full rights and credit. The finished product is yours to do with what you may.
A ghostwriter’s main function is to use their writing expertise to write anything from a simple blog to a manuscript or screenplay while posing as another author and without taking writing credit. When you hire a ghostwriter, you provide the idea or outline and the ghostwriter will get to work by writing your manuscript, screenplay, document, article, or other project. When the final product is presented, the ghostwriter is left anonymous and the credited author is regarded with the accolades.
Numerous high-profile authors have used ghostwriters. With over 150 books to his name, James Patterson has been able to churn out novel after novel with the help of ghostwriters. He simply comes up with the idea and the plot and hands it over to his team of ghostwriters. Even the greats can’t do it all themselves.
Even the likes of Tom Clancy and Danielle Steele used ghostwriters. When it’s your job to consistently put out works that consistently keep people intrigued and coming back for more, you need the collaborative effort of a ghostwriter. Ghostwriters get paid to write, you get yourself to the next level and everybody wins.
It can be tough finding the right person to help get your project off the ground, but ghostwriting service companies such as Ghostwriter’s Central can take you to the next level. These companies have already vetted their writers and can work with you to ensure you find the perfect fit.
The ghostwriter will expertly prepare your book for you to host on a site such as liste.org which hosts books and journals, and allow for its Integrated Academic Conference Model (IACM) to serve the growing demands of its individual research and conference organizers.
This site hosts more than 30 international journals, including everything from social sciences, biology, education, and economics to management. It has what you need and provides a place to put your material, no matter the topic. This can be priceless for so many.
Remember that collaboration is better than going it alone. These companies exist to help creatives with the process of bringing their art to life. Ghostwriters and hosting sites are two ways to take an idea and bring it to the world. A reputable ghostwriter knows what will attract readers and a good hosting site allows you the tools to grow your readership.
Check out Ghostwriters Central to take your vision to the next level. We look forward to reading your best works out there on the World Wide Web.
-by Lisa Montalto