Efficient Solar Powered Smartphone for Nigeria’s Telecom Advancement
This study is aimed at producing an efficient model design of a solar-powered Smartphone that can be used continuously without the need to recharge their batteries from electrical outlets. There has been recent significant advancements in the research aimed at developing solar powered Smartphones as against the Smartphones we have today that requires frequent recharge of their batteries from electrical outlets. But these advancements have only produced solar Smartphone with efficiency of less than 19%. This study is theoretical due to lack of fund to produce the empirical design of the efficient solar powered Smartphone. However, it is intended to provide a new direction for Researchers in solar powered Smartphone Design to enable them produce efficient models that can continuously work for years without recharging their batteries.
Keywords: Smartphone, Graphene, Photovoltaic, Supertransformer, Electrically-Doped Semiconductor, Solar
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