Disruptive Technology and Regulatory Response: The Nigerian Perspective

Johnson O. Hinmikaiye, Oludele Awodele, Jide E. T. Akinsola


The mobile telecom industry is changing and the competitive landscape for mobile network operators has been disrupted. The industry is shifting from an environment characterized by reliability and scale of networks, to an environment where choice and flexibility of services are more prominent. These have changed the basis of competition and represents the shift from mobile telephony to mobile computing. However, new challenges are assumed to disturb the sustainability of telecommunication companies. Mobile phone companies are likely to be directly affected by rapid mutation occurred in consumers spending habits closely linked to a variety of technological innovation. Hence, this study examined disruptive technology and the Nigerian regulatory response. The study surveyed existing literature to situate this current study within the context of existing evidence. Also, brief articulation of the concept of disruptive technology, its presence in Nigeria and the country’s regulatory response as well as reactions thereto. A peep was also taken into the recently released Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, the nation’s recovery and growth plan document put together by the Ministry of Budget and Planning, with respect to the technological breakthrough and projections for the country and the sort of regulatory framework required to effectively and successfully deliver on the same. The study concludes with a call for more regulatory activity to balance the competing interests in the society, yet focusing on the benefits such disruptions herald.

Keywords: Disruptive technology, Innovation, Mobile phone, Over-the-top, Technology, Technology regulators, Telecommunication

DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/12-1-06

Publication date: January 31st 2021


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