Evaluating the Performance and Profitability of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L) Varieties under Farmers Training Center at Hitosa District,Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance and profitability of improved bread wheat varieties at Seruanketo kebele of Hitosa district,Arsi Zone. Along with their management practices under farmers’ Training center (FTC) field to enhance farmers’ knowledge and skill on bread wheat production performance and it profitability. The varities used to demonistrate were Four improved bread wheat varieties namely DAKA,Wane(check),Lemu & Honkolo. According to the results, an average yield of 52 qt/ha, 40 qt/ha 36 qt/ha and 30qt/was harvested from DAKA,Honkolo,Wane & Lemu varieties respectively. DAKA variety had a 44.4 %yield advantage over the standard check (Wane) and Honkolo had a 11.1% yield advantage over the standard check and the variety Lemu had a negative -16.6%% yield loss or below the standard check and the Autors conclude that both DAKA& Honkolo varities are the first and second option for the farmers whereas the variety Lemu is not recommended due to low productivity in the study area and others areas having similar agro ecologies.Economic analysis showed that DAKA had the highest net benefit (110,647 bir/ha) followed by Honkolo(77046.75 bir/ha),Wane(66171 Bir/ha) and variety Lemu had a (50,671 Bir/ha) had the lowest net benefit. Based on the rules of decision making and the yield advantages on the bread wheat varieties the tested varieties met the requirements for recommendation, Therefore, DAKA and Honkolo varieties in addition to Wane (The standard check) were recommended for Seruanketo kebele and other areas with similar agro-ecological conditions in the South eastern districts.
Keywords: Bread wheat, Pre-extension, Demonstration, Farmer Training Center (FTC)
DOI: 10.7176/DCS/10-12-04
Publication date: December 31st 2020

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