Social Ideology of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar –A Study
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was a saviour of the suppressed classes, a noted Jurist, the chief architect of India constitution, a profound scholar, a daring leader and the greatest proper of Indian constitution. The role played by Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar has left its imprint on the social tapestry of the country after independence and shaped the political and civic contours of India today. It would have been a different India without him and in all probability, a much more inequitable and unjust one. He attempted to forge India’s moral and social foundations anew and strove for a political order of constitutional democracy that is sensitive to disadvantage in heritage from the past or engendered by prevailing social relations. He became deeply aware of the resources that history and culture offered for an emancipator project but argued that they can became effective only through the matrix of the present.[1]
Varied specialized arcos such as history, economics, anthropology, politics and law which imparted multifaceted resources and orientations to him in his public life B.R.Ambedkar was observed in several roles as scholar, teacher, lawyer, parliamentarian administrator, journalist, publicist, negotiator, agitations leader and devote, It is difficult to demarcate the areas of his writing given the fact that B.R.Ambedkar resorted to various modes soft expression dissertations research papers, documents outlines, notes early drafts statements, briefs memoranda disputation and investigations as he was offer under pressure to play these roles always under the public eye.[2] Changes in traditional caste system of India are associated with various changes in social institutions at the micro as well as at macro level urbanization, industrialization, education and other such factors have contributed to the changes in the caste system. The welfare measure taken up by the government has also helped in weakening the caste system. However change and continuity in caste system of India society has been of special interest to many sociologists.[3]
[1] Shashi S.S,(ed) Ambedkar and social justice, The Director, publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi, Government of India, Patiala house published, Maharashtra,1992.pp,12-27.
[2] Moon Vasant,(ed.), Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar writings and speeches, Government of Maharashtra, Vol.16, Bombay, Department of Education published, 1991.p.47.
[3] Bakshi,S.R.(ed), B.R.Ambedkar His Political and Social Ideology, New Delhi,Deep&Deep, Publication, 2000.p.2.

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