E-Learning Model to Improve Students' Performance
The objective of this research is to determine the extent to which students' academic performance is affected by online learning and to develop a model that can be utilized by both students and those who educate them. The theory of e-learning, which is based on the principles of cognitive science, demonstrates how the implementation and development of educational technology can improve the effectiveness of learning. Adjustments need to be made to these three different types of load to get the most out of learning. Because the quantity of space available in working memory is limited, the brains of students will get overwhelmed if they are presented with an excessive amount of knowledge. To ensure that students who make appropriate use of technology do not have to waste their time thinking about things that are not essential, the rules were developed. In addition to this, they make certain that students are not required to contemplate matters that are very vital to them. These concepts, design techniques, and technology improvements are all things that are included in e-learning theory. The theory of e-learning is a subset of the connective grand theory because it focuses on how technology may be utilized and adapted to generate new forms of learning and to assist in the process of learning effectively. Investigate how students' learning is impacted by online education, as well as the factors that led to its implementation on students' learning platforms both during and after the pandemic. In addition, the research will investigate the connection between traditional classroom instruction and online learning, as well as the impact that online education, commonly referred to as e-learning, has on the learning outcomes of students. The courses can be completed either online or in a hybrid format, which mixes online learning with learning that takes place in person. A significant number of university courses include an online component that makes use of web-based technologies. This is done to either simplify the dissemination of course information or provide assistance with assignments and examinations.
Keywords: E-Learning Model, Students, Learning, Performance, Education.
DOI: 10.7176/ISDE/14-1-02
Publication date: January 31st 2024
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