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Issue Title
Vol 44 (2018) The External Factors that Affect the Performance of Humanitarian Logistics in Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Melkamu Beyene
Vol 43 (2018) The Fact and Fiction in Eritrea’s Middle East Policy Abstract   PDF
Mürsel Bayram
Vol 71 (2021) The Gaps and Lessons of Ethiopian Share Company Governance in Light of International Company Model Laws Abstract   PDF
Tamiru Aboma, Lamessa Gudeta Guder
Vol 26 (2016) The Historic Move, Contemporary Challenges and Opportunities in Ethiopian Education Abstract   PDF
Sisay Awgichew Wondemetegegn
Vol 58 (2019) The Historical Evolution of ASEAN and Regionalism in Southeast Asia: With a Special Reference to ASEAN’s Role in the Cambodian Conflict (1978-1989) Abstract   PDF
Kyu-Deug Hwang
Vol 3 (2013) The Impact of Government Expenditure on Infrastructure in Nigeria: A Co-integration & Error Correction Specification Abstract   PDF
Edame, G.E, W.M. Fonta
Vol 14 (2015) The Impacts of Small Scale Industrial Clusters in Improving Wellbeing of the Poor: The Case of Gulelle Sub-City Textile Firm Clusters Abstract   PDF
Taye Alemu
Vol 17 (2016) The Impact of Leadership Styles on Academicians’ Commitment in Higher Educational Institutions Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Saqib Khan
Vol 22 (2016) The Impact of NEEDS on Inflation Rate in Nigeria: An Intervention Analysis Abstract   PDF
O.E. Okereke, K. I. Ire, C. O Omekara
Vol 23 (2016) The Impact of Urban Poverty on Child Labor: The Case of Arba Minch Town, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Solomon Kebede
Vol 31 (2017) The Impact of Farm Tree Degradation on Rural Livelihood in Manna District of Jima Zone, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Aklilu Bajigo
Vol 46 (2018) The Impact of Undesirable Medium of Contraceptive Usage Among the Youth of Ghana. Ketu-South as the Focus Abstract   PDF
Vol 50 (2018) The Impact of Productive Safety Net Programme on Food Security: The Case of Babile District, Somali Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Abduselam Abdulahi Mohamed
Vol 75 (2021) The Impact of Social Media Usage on Marketing Performance via Innovation: An Empirical Study on Service Firms in Egypt Abstract   PDF
Heba Sadek, Passent Tantawi
Vol 82 (2023) The Impact of ASYCUDA System Implementation on the Performance of the Sudanese Customs Authority: An Evaluation Study Abstract   PDF
Akram abd Eldaim Mohammed
Vol 83 (2024) The impact of unemployment on economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Abstract   PDF
Vol 35 (2017) The Impending Challenges of Continuous Assessment Implementation at Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Sintayehu Belay
Vol 36 (2017) The Impediments to Nigeria Understanding Oil Production Volumes, Losses and Potential Solutions Abstract   PDF
Sidikat. M. Ibrahim, Paul Bills, John Allport, Radu Racasan
Vol 4 (2014) The Implications of the new Polytechnics Act, 2007 (Act 745), for Curriculum Development and Review in Ghanaian Polytechnics Abstract   PDF
S. Agyefi-Mensah, K.B.M Edu-Buandoh
Vol 7 (2015) The Implication of Governance for Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution in the Horn of Africa Abstract   PDF
Yohannes Haile, Alemu Leta, Yemane Zeray
Vol 4 (2014) The Influence of Private Investment, Human Development Index (HDI) and Local Government Capital Expenditure (LGCE) on the Economic Growth and Original Local Government Revenue (OLGR) in the Regency/City of West Kalimantan Province Abstract   PDF
Meiran Panggabean
Vol 58 (2019) The Intertwinement of Spiritual and Local Healing Practices Among the Gurage People of South-Central Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Vol 60 (2020) The Knowledge of Leaders About Basic Cooperative Principles as a Key Factor for Agricultural Cooperatives Business Performances’ in Horo Guduru Wollega Zone, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Mosisa Deressa Lemmi
Vol 80 (2022) The Legal and Practical Challenges of Applying Ethiopian VAT on Electronic Commerce Transaction Abstract   PDF
Abdulkarim Husen Abdallah
Vol 17 (2016) The Managerial and Technological Innovation in Health System Abstract   PDF
Zakeer Ahmed Khan
651 - 675 of 758 Items << < 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 > >> 

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