Consequence of Inter and Intra-Row Spacing on Growth and Yield Components of Potato (SolaniumTubersom L.) under Irrigation at North Shewa Zone of Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Lack of production practices have been the major bottleneck of potato production and productivities in oromia, particularly at Fitche area. Since there have been no recommended inter and intra row spacing, farmers used to practice non-uniform plant spacing. Thus, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of intra and inter row spacing on growth and yield parameters of potato, thereby to recommended the optimum intra and inter row spacing practices to farmers in the study area. The study was conducted between August 2015 and April 2016 at Fitchearea(Addis Ababa university Salalecampus, demonstration field).Four different intra and inter row spacing's (60*20, 60*25, 60*30,70*20,70*25,70*30,80*20,80*25 and 80*30) were evaluated using one variety of potato (Managasha) laid out in randomized complete block design replicated three times. Data on growth and yield parameters were recorded and subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results indicated that inter and intra row spacing of 80*30 was superior in growth parameters such as, days to 50% flowering,days to 70% maturity, stem diameter, main stem number, plant height. Mean tuber no. count hill-1, Total tuber yield (t/ha), Marketable tuber yield(t/ha), were better at wider intra and inter row spacing (80*30).But Un marketable tuber yield(t/ha) was superior at closest inter and intra row spacing (60*20).The 80*30 intra and inter row spacing is recommended for the growers of potato plant.
Keywords:-Inter and intra row spacing, North shewa Zone, potato

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