Effect of Different Blended Fertilizer Formulation on Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Siyadebrenawayu District, North Shewa, Ethiopia
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important cereal crops in Ethiopia. However, the yield of the crop is low mainly due to low soil fertility and poor soil fertility management practices. Field experiment was conducted during 2017 cropping season in Siyadebrenawayu district , central Ethiopia with the objective to evaluate the effect of different blended fertilizer formulation of S, B, Zn and K on yield and yield components of bread wheat. The 14 treatments used for the field experiment were (1) control, (2) recommended NP(175 kgha-1N+125 kgha-1 P2O5), (3) S1(10.5 kgha-1), (4) S2(15.75 kgha-1), (5) S3(21 kgha-1), (6) S1B1(10.35 S, 0.15B) kgha-1, (7) S2B2(15.5 S, 1.5B) kgha-1, (8) S3B3(20.7 S, 3B) kgha-1, (9) S1B1Zn1 (11.1S, 0.15B, 3.3Zn) kgha-1, (10) S2B2Zn2(16.65S, 1.5B, 4.95Zn) kgha-1, (11) S3B3Zn3(22.2S, 3B, 6.6Zn) kgha-1,(12) S1B1 Zn1K1 (11.1S, 0.15B, 3.3Zn, 50K) kgha-1, (13) S2B2Zn2K2 (16,65S, 1.5B, 4.95Zn, 100K) kgha-1and (14) S3B3Zn3K3(22.2S, 3B, 6.6Zn, 150K) kg ha-1. The recommended NP fertilizers are equally applied to all treatments except control. The experiment was conducted in randomize complete block design with three replications. Data were collected on yield and yield components. Yield and yield components of bread wheat was significantly affected by the treatments except 1000-grain weight. The highest above ground dry biomass yield (14.29 tha-1), highest grain yield (5.77 tha-1) and straw yield (8.51 tha-1) was recorded from additional application of S, B, and Zn at T9 (NPS1B1Zn1). The application of blended fertilizer NPS1B1Zn1 increased the straw and grain yield by 35.45% and 19% respectively as compared to the recommended NP fertilizer. The highest net return (58443ETB ha-1) with (MRR %) 742.18 was obtained with application of blended fertilizer NPS1B1Zn1. It is clearly observed from collected data and soil analysis that application of K fertilizer is not responsive in study area but, S, B and Zn application at the minimum rate is responsive and economically feasible. Therefore, application of blended fertilizer NPS1B1Zn1 (175 kgha-1N+125 kgha-1P2O5+11.1 kgha-1S+3.3 kgha-1 Zn+0.15 kg ha-1 B) can be recommended for higher yield particularly in the study area and it is also economically feasible.
Keywords: Biomass yield, blended fertilizer, economic feasibility, grain yield
DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/9-15-02
Publication date: August 31st 2019

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