Comprehensive Analysis of the Energy Transition in Mozambique: Opportunities and Challenges for Achieving the Established Global Goals

Jorge Nhambiu, Fernando Chichango


This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of Mozambique’s energy transition, focusing on integrating a hybrid solar-wind system with green hydrogen storage. It discusses Mozambique’s renewable energy potential, particularly in solar and wind, and the country’s efforts to meet increasing energy demands sustainably. The transition offers opportunities for sustainable development and job creation but requires careful management to prevent socio-economic disparities. Mozambique aims to be a key player in the renewable energy transition, emphasizing inclusivity and collaboration. The document also addresses the global context of energy transitions, the importance of renewable energy sources, and specific programs promoting clean energy. It provides detailed insights into Mozambique’s solar and wind energy potential, the evolution of energy projects, and the technical aspects of designing solar and wind energy systems, including energy storage solutions like green hydrogen. The study aims to bridge the gap between stakeholders in Mozambique’s energy transition and the academic community, raising awareness and influencing policy decisions based on local knowledge. In conclusion, the document highlights that Mozambique is actively transitioning towards renewable energy sources, focusing on integrating hybrid solar and wind energy systems with green hydrogen storage. The country’s abundant solar and wind potential is being leveraged to meet domestic and industrial energy needs. Green hydrogen, emerging as a key storage solution, offers diverse applications across industries. The success of this transition depends on community engagement, education, and investments in research and financing for renewable energy installations. Despite the growth in the renewable energy sector, Mozambique still requires continued exploration and investment to fully realize its potential.

Keywords: Energy Transition, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Green Hydrogen Storage

DOI: 10.7176/JETP/14-2-04

Publication date: May 31st 2024

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