The Effects of the Education about Hand hygiene on the Knowledge, Attitude and Hand Washing Compliance of the Paramedics in Nur Hidayah Hospital Yogyakarta

Kusbaryanto .


Background Knowledge and The Objective: The Nosocomial infections are a big problem in all of the hospitals around the world. The prevalence of nosocomial infections in the developing countries are two to three times higher than in Europe or America. The incidence of nosocomial infections in intensive care units is higher than outside the intensive care unit. The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of education about hand hygiene on knowledge, attitudes and hand washing compliance to the paramedics.

Methodology: This research is a quasi-experimental research design with pretest and posttest non-control research design.

Results:  The analysis result of nurses’ knowledge about hand washing  which was obtained  is p = 0.989 (p > 0.05), there is no significant difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of non-nurses’ knowledge which was obtained is p = 0.510   (p > 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis results of the attitude of nurses to wash hands which was obtained is p = 0.720 (p > 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of the attitude of non nurses which was obtained is p = 0.080 (p > 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test). The analysis result of hand washing action on the nurses which was obtained is p = 0.158 (p > 0.05), there is no difference. The analysis result of hand washing action on the non nurses which was obtained is         p = 0.489 (p > 0.05), there is no difference (Wilcoxon test).

Conclusion: The education about the hand hygiene has not significantly changed the knowledge, attitudes and hand washing compliance.

Keyword: nosocomial infections , education,  hand washing

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