A Study of Prevalence and Financial Loss of Cysticercus Tenicollis in Visceral Organ of Sheep Slaughtered at Jimma Municipal Abattoir,Southwest Ethiopia

Tsegaye Fikru


A cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2015 to March 2016  on a total of 384 sheep slaughtered at Jimma municipal abattoir to determine the prevalence and estimate direct financial loss due to Cysticercus tenuicollis. Ante-mortem examinations and post-mortem organ inspections were performed following standard procedures. A total of 205 animals were found positive for Cysticercus tenuicollis with an overall prevalence of 53.4% (95% CI = 48.0-58.0) with a significant difference (p=0.000) between age groups which was higher in adult animals than in younger age groups. The relative cyst distribution in visceral organs was higher in omentum (38.0%) followed by liver (25.5%) with an estimated financial loss of 21528 ETB from liver condemnation. This study revealed that the occurrence of high prevalence of Cysticercus tenuicollis in sheep slaughtered at Jimma abattoir with a significant financial loss which deserve proper disposal of affected organs and implementation of parasite control programs in the area.

Keywords: Prevalence, Cysticercus tenuicollis, Sheep, Jimma, Ethiopia.

DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/89-03

Publication date:May 31st 2021

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