Assessment of Nurse, Work Related Motivators in Patient Care in Mombasa County
The world over, Nursing role is vital in all health systems as they spend a considerable amount of time monitoring patients and are therefore instrumental in determining patient care. The objective of this study is to investigate work related motivators for better patient outcomes in Mombasa County. According to Maslow and Herzberg a validated instrument addressing three work-related motivators such as job attributes, remuneration and co-workers was used. The job attributes factors are: authority, creativity opportunities, clear duties, job control, and decision-making. The remuneration factors are: salary and continuous education. A large number of nurses agreed there is teamwork, majority have received no rewards and 93.3% have not received recognition. Improved teamwork, recognition and rewards improve nurse morale and subsequently improve patient care. Most nurse rated supervisor and teamwork to be well improved, while appreciation and working conditions were rated poorly. Nurses listed their greatest motivators to be remuneration, job attributes, and coworkers. Majority of the nurses agree that if motivated they would perform better patient care. Job attributes, remuneration and coworkers correlation was rated (r=0.74 0.87 and 0.64) showed a strong positive correlation towards nursing motivation. Chi square was used to test the relationship among variables job attributes (p=0.00), remuneration (p=0.00) and coworker (p=0.00) this showed a statistical significant relationship among variables. The study therefore concluded that nurses are motivated more by, remuneration: salary and continuous professional training. Other motivators were identified as job attributes (authority, creativity and decision making) and coworkers (teamwork, appreciation and supervisor fairness). The study therefore recommends that nurses need to carry out nursing duties with authority and creativity, involving them in decision making on decision affecting them. A review of salaries and opportunities to make money on the job are key in motivating nurses.
Keywords: Motivation, patient outcomes, job attributes, remuneration
DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/97-04
Publication date: January 31st 2022
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