Computer Software Tones Assessment Improving the Blades Tones Accuracy Balinese Gamelan Performance
In making gamelan tone arrangement highly depends on aligner sense and feeling. Each gamelan’s craftsman has his way of aligning with different standard of tone. This causes a performance tune on the blades gamelan has incorrect frequency. To get the right tone harmonization should take measurements tone repeatedly, depending on work experience, and their hearing sensitivity. But in fact they are now, aligning power is limited, most of them elderly. It also led to the production of gamelan takes a long time, and the number of aligning is also very limited. The gamelan’s craftsman when doing his activities is in his natural manner in order to avoid the illness because of work. To anticipate the limitation of human resources in the field of alignment and to maintain the consistency of the gamelan’s tone in the long period of time it is in need for the touch of information technology in the form of software. The software to analyze the frequency of gamelan’s base tone in order to get the result of the tone in the strip of gamelan which is measurable and in accordance with the expectation.
Experimental research with treatment by subjects design, involving 15 samples of people who doing the activities in the condition before and after implementation. Accuracy tones, work productivity, satisfaction, were analyzed using the t-paired sample t-test testing, in the level of significance of 5%. Finding in the field showed that, after the assessment tone using the software, there was an increase of the aligning assessment accuracy of Bali’s gamelan by 4.26%, an increase of work productivity by 29.63%, an increase of evaluator’s satisfaction by 27.91%.
Keywords: Software , Tones assessment, Blades tester

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