Water Distribution Network Analysis of Bodditi Town by EPANET
The current water supply system used in Boditi Town is an intermittent supply and the network is a branched system with dead ends. The water is distributed to the network from the boreholes by pumping and then by gravity flow. This network system may or may not be reliable to the coming years. Hence, the study checks the reliability of the existing network and concludes about its suitability on the network for the future. The distribution system was evaluated by EPANET which has collection of links connected to nodes or junctions. Pressure at each junction, unit head loss at each pipe and flow of water were evaluated for major water distribution system with the help of EPANET 2.0 and pressure map was developed with help of Surfer 8 software. Water loss of the distribution system was estimated by water balance method. The distribution system analysis showed that 9% of the junctions have above maximum and 2% of the junctions have below minimum operating pressures. Some of the pipes in the distribution system have head loss greater than the selected performance indicator. To achieve efficient and reliable water supply system, i.e, to avoid long distance pumping, and to avoid high pressure, pressure zoning had made by using surfer 8 software. The average water loss of the distribution system rated to be greater than the selected performance indicator.
Keywords: EPANET, distribution system, head loss, pressure, performance indicator, Boditti Town.
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