The Role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Rural Development of Nigeria
Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the world over, has gained prominence, especially in the area of communication, to the extent that the level of understanding of several tenets in every sphere of life has also been better understood, arising from the gains of communication empowered by technology. It is common knowledge to aver that communication that is imbued with digital ingredients know no boundaries. It means, therefore, that information and communication technology cut across all shades of people, irrespective of culture, location among others, provided that the accessibility is ultimately guaranteed. Thus, in Africa, rural dwellers are kept abreast with happenings globally with the instrumentality of information and communication technologies, their location notwithstanding. However, there are myriad of gains accruable from the existence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Africa, especially in the realm of rural development. It is also evident that there are challenges inherent in their use. This article x-rays the role of ICTs in rural development in Nigeria, juxtaposing it with their challenges.
Keywords: ICT, Rural, Development, Nigeria, Africa

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