Implemented Stemming Algorithms for Information Retrieval Applications
Now a day’s text documents are advancing over internet, e-mails and web pages. As the use of internet is exponentially growing, the need of massive data storage is increasing from time to time. Normally many of the documents contain morphological variables, so stemming which is a preprocessing technique gives a mapping of different morphological variants of words into their base word called the stem. Stemming process is used in information retrieval applications accordingly as a way to improve retrieval performance based on the assumption that terms with the same stem usually have similar meaning. To do stemming operation on bulky documents, we require normally more computation time and power, to cope up with the need to search for a particular word in the data. In this paper, various stemming algorithms are analyzed with the benefits and limitation of the recent stemming methods or approaches.
Keywords: - Natural Language Processing Applications, Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Applications (IRAs), Stemming Approaches
DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/10-3-01
Publication date: April 30th 2020
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