Outage Probability of Decentralized Coded User Cooperation in Wireless Communications
In this article, the outage probability as a standard metric for evaluating the performance of a distributed (or decentralized) Reed-Solomon (R-S) coded cooperative communication system is presented. In this system, the users’ codewords are split into two frames and are transmitted via two independent fading paths. The first is directly to the destination while the second frame is transmitted via a relaying partner, also to the destination. The outage probability expressions here derived further prove that the R-S coded scheme achieves full diversity. Moreover, the comparisons under different source-partner and source-destination channel conditions made with the centralized Rate Compatible Punctured Convolutional (RCPC) coded cooperative scheme show that the decentralized R-S coded scheme outperforms the centralized RCPC cooperative scheme.
Keywords: coded cooperation, cooperative diversity, outage probability, fading channel, source, partner
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