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Issue Title
Vol 131 (2023) The Ideal Concept of Regulation of Recovering State Financial Losses in Enforcement of Non-Criminal Corruption Laws Based on the Value of Justice Abstract   PDF
Hendri Edison, Anis Mashdurohatun, Ramon Nofrial
Vol 9 (2013) The Impact of Regulation according to International law on economic growth in ECO countries Abstract   PDF
Zaei, Karim, Gudarzi Farahani, Yazdan
Vol 16 (2013) The Impact of Explanatory Decision of the Constitutional Court in Jordan Abstract   PDF
Omar AL-Khataibeh
Vol 32 (2014) The Impact of Globalisation on the Provision of Social Welfare Abstract   PDF
Sulemana Adams Achanso
Vol 82 (2019) The Impact of Psychological Violence on Children and Legal Protection Efforts in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Gladi A.R. Dendape, J. Ronald Mawuntu, Wulanmas A.P.G. Frederik, Emma V.T. Senewe
Vol 88 (2019) The Impact of Barsha Pump Use Towards Access and Control to Financial Management of Farmers in Waingapu, Sumba Island in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Kadek Wiwik Indrayanti, Dewi Astutty Mochtar
Vol 88 (2019) The Impact of Innovations in the Fight Against Trafficking, Exploitation and Child Labor in Cote D'Ivoire Abstract   PDF
Sehi Mahié Rita Madeleine Sisso
Vol 88 (2019) The Impacts of Patent Layering on Public Health: Lessons from India to Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Great Ijomah
Vol 92 (2019) The Impact of Human Population on Biodiversity Conservation in Nigeria: The Need for Legal Intervention Abstract   PDF
Nelson Uwoh Sobere, Agent Benjamin Ihua-Madunenyi
Vol 101 (2020) The Impacts of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic on International Environmental Protection Abstract   PDF
Empire Hechime Nyekwere
Vol 101 (2020) The Impact of Covid 19 Pandemic on the Review of Lawsuits at the Administrative Court of the Republic of North Macedonia Abstract   PDF
Xhemazie Ibraimi
Vol 114 (2021) The Impact of Empowering Human Resources on Achieving Effective Performance: A Field Study on Workers in Jordanian Newspapers Abstract   PDF
Jasmien Jamal Abed AlRazaq
Vol 122 (2022) The Impact of the Repercussions of the Corona Virus (Covid 19) Pandemic on the Change in Stock Market Prices of Industrial Companies Listed on Amman Stock Exchange Abstract   PDF
Quftan Karim Quftan Aljazi
Vol 129 (2023) The Impact of Organizational Justice on Job Commitment among the Employees in Jordanian Commercial Banks: Case of Arab Bank Abstract
Rana Musa Mohammad Al-Nawafleh, Yasser Al Adwan
Vol 130 (2023) The Impact of Organizational Justice on Job Commitment among the Employees in Banking Sector in Jordan Abstract   PDF
Rana Musa Mohammad Al-Nawafleh, Yasser Al Adwan
Vol 4 (2012) The Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005 in India Abstract   PDF
Shalini Singh, Bhaskar Karn
Vol 37 (2015) The Implication of New Technology on Nigerian Copyright Protection Practices in Today’s Computer Age Abstract   PDF
F. T. Okou, S. OKOU, B. O. Modey
Vol 49 (2016) The Implementation of Principle of Integration in Fulfilling the Worker's Rights of Bankrupt Company as a Medium of Law to Solve Debt Problems Fairly, Quickly, Openly, and Effectively Abstract   PDF
Mohammad Amrullah, Suhariningsih ., Abdul Rachmad Budiono, Sihabudin .
Vol 49 (2016) The Implication of Legal Ambiguity on Legal Protection Arrangement of Governmental Employees toward the Work Agreement Based on the Legislation Abstract   PDF
I Nyoman Gede Remaja, Sudarsono ., Moh. Ridwan, Muchamad Ali Safaat
Vol 63 (2017) The Implementation of Legal Protection of Street Children’ Education Right Abstract   PDF
A. Tenripadang Chairan, Andi Sofyan, H.M. Said Karim, Syamsuddin Muchtar
Vol 63 (2017) The Implication of Law on the Existence of Human Rights Association of the Indonesian Medical Discipline in the Legal Enforcement System in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Andin Rusmini, Sudarsono ., Iwan Permadi, Abdul Rachmad Budiono
Vol 66 (2017) The Implementation of Sovereignty Theory on the Interest of Malaysia in the History of Spratly Island’s Disputes Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Nasir, Wan Siti Adibah Wan Dahalan
Vol 73 (2018) The Implementation of Youth Red Cross (PMR) Extracurricular Program Activities in Shaping Students' Social Skills in Al Kautsar Secondary School of Bandar Lampung (Indonesia) Abstract   PDF
Rudiyanto ., Sudjarwo ., Trisnaningsih .
Vol 86 (2019) The Implementation of Doctrine of Diversity as an Attempt to Prevent Terrorism in College Abstract   PDF ()
Abdul Wahid, Sunardi ., Dwi Ari Kurniawati
Vol 89 (2019) The Implementation of Criminal Law as a Primum Remedium in Overcoming Criminal Crime and Or Environmental Damage Abstract   PDF
Herlyanty Y. A. Bawole, I Nyoman Nurjaya, Grace Yurico Bawole, Yulianty Sanggelorang
1801 - 1825 of 2215 Items << < 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 > >> 

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