Effect of Alcoholic Leaf Extract of Hellotropium Earopiam on the Levels of Testosterone , Prolactin ,TSH ,T3 and T4 Hormones in Blood of Male Albino Rats Exposed to Oxidative Stress by H2O2
The current study aimed to compare the effects of alcoholic leaf extract of Heliotropium europiam and Vit. C as antioxidants on levels of Testosterone (testo) , Prolactin(PRL) ,TSH ,T3,T4 hormones in blood of adult albino male rats exposed to oxidativ stress by hydrogen peroxide (0.5%) in the drinking water throughout (30) days. For the purpose of the study preliminary experiments were carred out yo find the most effective dose of plant extracts and it was found that (300mg / kg).. Rats (3-4 months)age and (250±285g) weights were distributed randomly into five groups each group included five rats as follows: control group, H2O2 group, H2O2+ Heliotropium europiam alcoholic leaf extract group, H2O2+ Vit. C group, H2O2+ Heliotropium europiam alcoholic leaf extract+Vit.C group. The plant extract of leaves as (300) mg / kg and Vit.C (250) mgkg of body weight in a single daily dose.The results of the statistical analysis shwed that the animals exposed to stress oxidative mediated by hydrogen peroxide led to a significant decrease (p ?0.05) in the levels of testo. and RRLand T3 and non significant difference in the TSH and T4 levels when compared with control. The treatment with H2O2+ plant extract shwed asignificant increase in the testo. level and a significant decrease in T3 andT4 levels, and lack of significant difference in the levels of PRL and TSH, while the treatmen of group H2O2+Vit.C led to asignificant increase in testo., PRLand TSH and a significant decrease inT3 andT4.While the group exposed to stress and treated with plant extract and Vit.C showed asignificant increase in testo. And PRL levels and significant decrease in TSH and T4 with non significant difference in the T3 level when comparedwith hydrogen peroxide group.
Keywords : Hellotropium earopiam, H2O2, Free racicals, oxidative stress Testosterone , Prolactin ,TSH.
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