Aquatic Rover for Water Quality Testing and Helping in Pisciculture
We know that nowadays water pollution is very much common in Bangladesh. Two of the major sources are waste from industries and rubbish dumping. These cause much harm to farmers in their marine agriculture since it largely hampers the quality of water and affects fishes. This is a very serious issue and needs to be solved. Our focus is primarily in rural areas. We aim to solve these problems by building an underwater rover which would help to test the quality of water and detect water pollution. This would be done by measuring the pH level and the degree of Temperature which will determine the acidity or alkalinity of the water, and the availability of salts underwater. By sensing this we would get different readings of pollution in different areas by driving the rover all over the water body. Thus we can know which areas are good for what type of marine farming and can create awareness for the problem which would help reduce pollution in the future.
Keywords: Mapping; Synchronizing; pH; Temperature.
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