Investigation of Nutritional Values of Selected Taro Varieties (Colocasia Esculenta) Grown in Hadero Tunto Zuria Woreda, Kembata Tembaro, Snnpr, Ethiopia
Taro (colocasia esculenta L. Schott) of the family Aracea is a staple food throughout subtropical and tropical parts of the world. The objectives of the study were to investigate proximate composition and level of selected minerals: Na, K, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn and Co in Boloso-1 and shishiya taro varieties from three kebeles of the study areas. Oven dried flour of samples were prepared from both taro varieties. Samples were digested in wet digestion using 5mL of HNO3 and 5mL of HClO4 for 2hrs at variable temperature in Topwave microwave digester. The quantity of minerals was analyzed using Flame Photometer and GFAAS. Proximate analysis revealed by percentage (%): Dry matter (94.17 ±0.05 and 93.78 ±0.32), moisture (5.83 ±0.08 and 6.22 ±0.03), ash (4.58 ±0.04 and 3.42 ±0.2), fiber (2.59±0.03 and 1.83±0.92), fat (0.46± 0.01and 0.56±0.01), protein (5.06±0.08 and 4.16±0.09), Carbohydrate (81.64±0.19 and 83.81±0.21) and energy (350.99±0.08 and 356.95±1.02), minerals in mg/100g: K (35.53±3.11 and 33.43±1.55), Na (7.51±2.09 and 11.62±1.38), Mg (41.19±0.81 and 41.74±0.78), Fe (7.03±1.11 and 6.49±0.16), Cu (2.31±0.1 and 2.39±0.02). Zn (17.8±2.45 and 12.43±1.14) and Co (0.28±0.02 and 0.37±0.01 were in Boloso-1 and shishiya taro varieties respectively. Low fat content, higher carbohydrate and energy content were recorded in both taro varieties. Both taro varieties were rich in K and Mg when compared to other minerals. However, Co was found to be lowest in both taro varieties.
Keywords: Aracea, Colocasia, Functional properties, Mineral contents, Proximate, Taro.
DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/15-1-01
Publication date: January 31st 2024
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