Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers’ Participation Decision in Small Scale Irrigation: The Case of Deder District, Eastern Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia
Irrigation systems require active involvement of the community for sustainable operation to meet the intended objectives. However, farmers’ participation in small-scale irrigation in Ethiopia has largely been peripheral. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the socio- economic and institutional factors affecting participation of smallholder farmers in small-scale irrigation in Deder District of East Hararghe Zone. Two stage sampling procedure was used to select sample respondents. First, the total irrigation user kebeles of the district were identified and four sample kebeles were randomly selected. At the second stage, 150 sample respondents were selected using stratified sampling, probability proportion to size and simple random sampling method. A cross-sectional survey method was used and data was collected through semi-structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and probit model were used for data analysis. The analysis revealed that sex of the household head, availability of family labor force, total livestock holding, access to extension service, distance from household’s residence to the water source, size of cultivated land and perceived soil fertility status are significant factors affecting smallholder farmers participation in small scale irrigation. Irrigation is one means by which agricultural production can be increased to meet the growing food demands. Therefore, smallholder farmers should be assisted and encouraged to participate in small-scale irrigation thereby improve their production and income.
Keywords: Smallholder farmers, Participation, Small-scale irrigation, Deder, Ethiopia
DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/15-2-02
Publication date: May 31st 2024
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