Buffalo Breeding: Buffalo Breeding in Turkey from Past to Today
In this study, it is aimed to introduce water buffalo breeding, the characteristics of its meat and milk, its place around the World as well as water buffalo breeding in Turkey from past to today. Water buffalos mostly breed in Asia, adapts easily to environmental conditions and are preferred as its meat and milk has different characteristics compared to the others. Water buffalo milk contains a lower percent of water but a higher percent of dry matter. Compared to cow meat, water buffalo’s is more favourable with regard to calorie, cholesterol, vitamins and minerals. Black Sea coasts, Marmara and Aegean Regions are the areas for water buffalo breeding in Turkey. While water buffalo population has been rapidly increasing throughout the world, the situation is quite the contrary in Turkey In regard to this study in which we analyzed the number of total buffalos, the number of buffalos milked and the changes on the amount of their milk according to the regions between the years of 1991 and 2015, we found out quite remarkable results. The number of buffalos in the Black Sea, Marmara and Central Anatolia Regions decreased by 75, 60 and 60 percent respectively. Similar statistics were observed in terms of the number of animals milked and the amount of milk collected. Consequently, buffalo population and productiveness increased around the world whereas the situation was desperately vice versa. It is inevitable for both public and nongovernmental organisations to change their attitudes towards the current matter in order to enhance it. Within this scope, public should be informed by introducing the significance of water buffalo meat and milk .Incentive studies should be started for the present buffalo breeding areas soon.

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