The Effects of Education Given To 5-6 Years Children on Social Skills and Problem Behaviors

Arzu Akcan, Sureyya Sarvan


This study was conducted to determine the effect of education given to kidergarten students on social skills and problem behaviors. This quasi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest was carried out 30 kindergarten students. Data were collected by demographic information form and preschool and Kindergarten Behaviors Scales. A nursing leading training program was implemented to the children for 8 weeks. It was used t test and wilcoxon test to analyze data. In the results of the study, it weren’t found statistical meaningful difference between pretest-posttest Social Skill Scale and Problem Behaviour Scale means according to the teachers’ evaluation and and parents’ evaluation (p>0.05). However, when we compared with parent’s and teacher’s evaluation (n=16), score means of Problem Behaviour Scale according to parents were more meaningful and higher than those according to teachers (p<0.05). As a result, it can be suggested longer monitoring, increasing time of education program, training parents parallel with their children and studying with wider sampling to improve effectiveness of the program.

Keywords: Preschool, child, social skill, problem behavior, education

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