Organic Geochemical and Mineralogical Effect on Element Enrichment of Cayirhan Oil Shales, Beypazari, Ankara, Turkey
The concentrations of minerals and trace elements in the Çayırhan oil shale (ÇOS) (Beypazari, Ankara / Turkey) were determined by XRD and ICP-MS. Total organic carbon (TOC) content of ÇOS was examined to have higher values (TOC 2.08%-23.29%, average 9.53%). The account of average shale enrichment factors of ÇOS is determined to enrich the elements such as Mn, Mg, Pb, Si, Sr, Zr, K, Ca, Na, U, Ba, Cu, Ni, As, V, Co, Mo, Rb Fe, P, Ti, Sb and Cd, however, to consume the elements such as Cr and Zn. Element enrichment in sediments is generally presumed to come from different sources. Mineral content in oil shale is also effective for enrichment of elements. When the amount of organic matter in rocks increases, it can lead to the enrichment of elements such as U, W, Hf, Ce, Ba, I, Sb, Cd, Mo, Rb, Se, As, Ge, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr and V. Element content of oil shale can affected by either organic compounds or inorganic compounds. Minerals such as Albite, Alabandite, Ankerite, Analcime, Barite, Dolomite, Glauconite, Gypsum, Calcite, Clay Minerals, Clinoptilolite, Quartz, Kutnohorit, Magnesite, Marcasite, Microcline, Muscovite, Natrolite, Orthoclase, Pyrite, Pyrochlore, Raspit, Sanidine, Saponite, Sphalerite, Spinel, Talc, Titanomagnetite, Vermiculite and Zeolite were observed in the samples of ÇOS. It is thought that the chemical composition of these minerals also contributes to the enrichment of elements.
Keywords: Mineral content, oil shales, ICP-MS, XRD, Total organic carbon (TOC), Çayırhan oil shale (ÇOS), (Beypazari, Ankara, Turkey)

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