Radiation Sterilization Applications
Sterile products are used in many fields and sterile service is provided nowadays. The use of sterile products in medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical and active substance combinations, animal husbandry, cosmetics and perfumery, packaging and food sectors is very important. The radiation sterilization is becoming widespread thanks to developing technology and industrial activities and can be used for sterilization of many materials especially raw materials. The use of gamma ray and accelerated electrons in radiation sterilization is common. The selection of sterilization method is crucial for appropriate products. Herein, we mentioned that sterilization, sterilization method, advantages of radiation sterilization techniques and other sterilization methods.
Keywords: Radiation, Sterilization, Radiation sterilization
DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/5-12-13
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ISSN (online) 2422-8702