Intellectual Capital Accounting – Value and Benefits for the Sustainable Development of Enterprises
The research indicates that the existence of intellectual capital accounting which has been recognized as the cost in production and business costs by current accounting practices were falsify the value and their using value and partly conceal exploiting potential of these. Intellectual capital has an important role in determining the business strategy, developing of tools to measure the results of business and enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, intellectual capital should be recognized as an asset (intangible) on financial reports to help the users of information to have more financial information in terms of the potential ability of the business. In Vietnam, however, intellectual capital accounting has not really become popular and are considered as a new area by both researchers and practical persons. To achieve its objectives, this study uses Likert scale with values from 1 to 5 based on 5 criteria (accounting policies, environmental accounting, the method of valuation, the system determines the value of intellectual capital in enterprise and economic benefits) to assess the situation of intellectual capital accounting in Vietnamese enterprises. The research results will be the basis for the orientation in completing the provisions on the recognition, measurement and intellectual capital reporting on financial reports so as to sustainable develop in the context of integration.
Keywords: accounting, enterprises, intellectual capital; sustainable development
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