Vol 6, No.17 and No.18 (2016) Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare

Vol 6, No 17 (2016)

Table of Contents


Phenolics Comparison between Twinning and Celestial Peppermint Teas using HPLC-DAD PDF
Olanrewaju Roland Akinseye, Olawumi Samuel 1-3
Soil Nutrient Status of Smallholder Cassava Farms in Southern Ethiopia PDF
Fanuel Laekemariam 4-10
Allometric Equation for Biomass Estimation of Cordia africana Lam. in Tumata Chirecha Agroforestry Gedeo Zone: Implication for Sustainable Management and Climatic Change Mitigation PDF
Abiy Mulat 11-20
Effect of Septoria Trtici Blotch (Septoria tritici) on Grain Yield and Yield Components of Bread Wheat PDF
Alemar Said 21-28
Epidemiological Study of Gastro Intestinal Helminthes Parasites of Calves in Urban, Peri Urban and Rural Smallholder Dairy Farms of East Wollega Zone, Western Ethiopia PDF
Milkessa Gelana 29-34
Growth Yield and Nutrient Status of Rice Soil in Response to Genotypes and Levels of Nitrogen Under Different Cultivation Techniques PDF
Rajesh, S R 35-43
In vitro Regeneration of Disease Free Enset (Ensete ventricosum (Welw) Cheesman) Planting Materials from Bacterial Wilt Diseased Plants Using Shoot Tip Culture PDF
Genene Gezahegn 44-53
Potential Use of Cyanobacterial Bio-fertilizer on Growth of Tomato Yield Components and Nutritional Quality on Grown Soils Contrasting pH PDF
Francis Abuye 54-62
Review on the Biology of Fasciola Parasites and the Epidemiology on Small Ruminants PDF
Mihretu Ayele 63-71
Influence of Cowpea and Soybean Intercropping Pattern in Sorghum on Striga (striga hermonthica) Infestation and System Productivity at Mechara, Eastern Ethiopia PDF
Kinde Lamessa 72-81
Demonstration and Performance Evaluation of “Potchefstroom Koekoek” Chicken Package at Jimma Zone, South Western Ethiopia PDF
Kasa Biratu 82-87
Insect Diversity and Population in Agricultural Ecosystem Region Mountain, Kauditan District Area North Minahasa PDF
Sixtus Iwan Umboh 88-95
Comparative Evaluation on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Indigenous and Crossbred Dairy Cow Managed under Smallholder Farmers in Endamehoni District, Tigray, Ethiopia PDF
Mebrahtom Bisrat 96-100
Effects of Supplementation with Cajanus Cajan, Lablab Purpureus or Their Mixture on Feed Utilization, Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Horro Sheep Fed A Basal Diet of Natural Grass Hay PDF
Mekonnen Diribsa 101-114

Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X



Vol 6, No 18 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Effect of Different Levels of Saline Water on Tomato Production Under Saline Soil Condition PDF
Ashraf Khashroum 1-3
Carcass Characteristics and Internal Organs of Broilers Fed Varying Levels of Full Fat Palm Kernel Meal PDF
Nsikan Ekanem, Effiong Essien, Lydia Thompson 4-7
Communication Channels in Adoption of Technology with a Focus on the Use of Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) among Small Scale Maize Farmers in Kenya PDF
Naomi Muriuki, Catherine Munyua, Dolphine Wanga 8-12
The Relationship between Nurses’ Professional Shared Governance and Their Work Empowerment at Mansoura University and Specialized Medical Hospitals PDF
Hala Gabr Mahmoud 13-21
Isolation and Identification of Candida Species from the Oral Cavity of Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy in Basrah, Iraq PDF
Mustafa A. Aldossary, Nasir A. Almansour, Bashar S. Abdulraheem 22-30
Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Dehusked Mature Seeds of Three Accessions of African Rice (Oryza glaberrima Steud.) PDF
Rhoda Gyinae Diawuoh, George Y. P. Klu, Harry M. Amoatey, Rosemary Kusi-Adjei, Emmanuel K. Quartey 31-39
Effect of Hibiscus sabdariffa Calyx (Zobo) on the Growth Performance of Broilers (Obamarshal) Chickens PDF
R.Z Usman, B.M Mustapha, F. I Mohammed, R. I. Adamu, O. T Fasiku, T.T Israel, K.G Olofin, J.O Timothy, D.V Adaidu, J. Otene 40-46
Impacts of Power and Market Relations on the Poultry Sector of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria PDF
Effiong Essien, Gabriel Umoh 47-58
QTL mapping: a conceptual approach to improving cold tolerance at seedling stage in rice (Oryza sativa. L) PDF
V. Raharinivo, M. Kinyua, O. Kiplagat, A. Ndayiragije, R. K. Singh 59-68
The pathogenic bacteria that isolation from wastewater from different regions in Nasseria city PDF
Qasim Hassan 69-75


Paper submission email: JBAH@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-3208 ISSN (Online)2225-093X

Vol 25 (2016) International Journal of African and Asian Studies

Vol 25 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Effects of Farm and Non-Farm Income on Income-Inequality among Rural Households in Osun –State, Nigeria PDF
SANUSI W.A, Dipeolu A.O, Momoh. S. 1-10
Challenges Facing the Application of Conflict Anticipation as a Peace Monitoring Strategy in Post Conflict Mt. Elgon and Cheptais Sub-Counties, Kenya PDF
Mourine K. Lidava 11-23
Criminal Law Reform Regarding Corruption Crime: A Review of Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication PDF
Erianto N 24-32
Assessment of Causes and Consequences of Child Labour Trafficking, The Case of Wolaita Sodo Town, SNNPRS, Ethiopia PDF
Temam Gebu 33-42
Analysis of Factors Affecting Smallholder Farmers’ Access to Formal Credit in Jibat District, West Shoa Zone, Ethiopia PDF
Assifaw Lemessa 43-53
Merger and Its Effect on Performance of Indian Public Sector Bank: A Case Study on Merger of Nedungadi Bank and Punjab National Bank PDF
Gopal Chandra Mondal 54-65
Determinants of Participation in Non-Farm Activities among Rural Households in Osun State- An Application of Multinomial Logit (Mnl) Model PDF
SANUSI W.A, Dipeolu A.O, Momoh. S 66-72
Investigating the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction Between Workplace Discrimination and Intention to Leave in Information Technology Industry of Punjab, Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor 73-82
Investigating the Mediating Effect of Affective Commitment Between Leadership Style, Communication and Project Success in Virtual Projects of Punjab, Pakistan PDF
Muhammad Mudasar Ghafoor 83-94
Efficacy of Rules of Business, 1996 of Bangladesh: Challenges and Prospectus of Application for Public Policy PDF
Abdur Rab 95-103


Paper submission email: JAAS@iiste.org

ISSN 2409-6938

Vol 7, No 9 (2016) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering

Vol 7, No 9 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Nonlinear Channel Estimation Error Effect on Capacity of MIMO System PDF
Ahmed E. Zakzouk, Ragab M. Elbakar, Mohamed I. Yousef 1-5
Design and Testing of Mobile-Phone-Detectors PDF
Edwin Ataro, Diana Starovoytova Madara, Simiuy Sitati 6-14
Modified SVPWM Algorithm for 3-Level Inverter Fed DTC Induction Motor Drive PDF
B.Pradeep kumar reddy 15-26
Characterizing Soil Physical Properties and Their Influence on Moisture Retention in Eastern Mau, Kenya PDF
Prototype Design of Fish Feed Pellets Machine based from Rice Husk PDF
Slamet Riyadi 34-43
Tools Design Conepaper Speaker Measurement Using the JIG ID for Changing the Caliper PDF
Mochammad Muchid 44-49
A new Environmental, Pollution and Soil Monitoring (EPSm) System PDF
Lanre Daniyan, Ezechi Nwachukwu, Onyenwaoma Nnaemeka, Chapi Jonah, Kevin Eze, Justus Chukwunoyerem, Joy Wali, Nwagbara Donatus, Adejoh Joshua, Obi Nnamdi, Okeke Nonso, Ezinwa Vincent, Umeh Constance, Eze Ogochukwu 50-54


Paper submission email: ISDE@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 ISSN (Online)2222-2871

Vol 8, No.25, No.26, No.27 (2016) European Journal of Business and Management

Vol 8, No 25 (2016)



Vol 8, No 26 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Income Inequality and Economic Growth in the OECD Countries PDF
Abdelkader Belarbi, Hirech Nawel 1-4
Combined Effects of Psychological Capital and Psychological Contract on Employees’ Job Level Outcomes PDF
Tazeem Ali Shah, Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah 5-19
Determinants of Domestic Saving in Guinea PDF
Kouyate Boh Aissata, Jiang Yushi, Dinkneh Gebre Borojo 20-30
Determinants of Users’ Satisfaction Regarding Mobile Operators in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach on University Students PDF
Sanjoy Kumar Roy, Md. Rahat Khan, S. M. Khaled Hossain 31-39
Influence of Organizational Culture and Personality to the Work Motivation and Performance of Employees Through the Organizational Commitment as Mediating Variables for Medical Analist Officers at the Bio-Test Company in Surabaya, East Java PDF
Dewi Urip Wahyuni 40-49
Effect of Political Advertising on Voters’ Choice of Candidate: Emphasis on the 2015 Governorship Election in Imo State, Nigeria PDF
Gazie Okpara, Robert Anuforo, Princewell N. Achor 50-69
Effects of Unionization on Sugar Cane Farmers’ Income in Bukembe Zone, Bungoma County PDF
Joseph Odhiambo Onyango, Henry Bwisa, Elizabeth Nambuswa Makokha 70-75
Personality and Demographic Variables: Antecedents of Job Satisfaction Among Selected Employees in the Ghanaian Banking Sector PDF
Inusah Abdul-Nasiru, Robert Mensah 76-84
Decision Making as A Tool for Organisational Development (A Case Study of Borno State High Court of Justice Maiduguri) PDF
Ruth Haruna Wazis, Yagana Imam, Mohammed Kashim 85-93
The Impact of Administrative Management’s Quality on Improving Local Government in Khartoum: An Applied Study on Karary Locality PDF
Aleem Alhaj Abdulrahim, Khalid Hassan Elbashir 94-104
The Role of Organizational Commitment on Mediating the Relationship Between Leadership and Tri Hita Karana Culture with Subak Performance in Bali PDF
I Ketut Setia Sapta, Wayan Gde Supartha, I Gede Riana, Made Subudi 105-119

Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839


Vol 8, No 27 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Crisis Management in Government Parastatals: A Case Study of National Railways of Zimbabwe PDF
Douglas Chiguvi, Alex Magwada 1-11
Analyzing Effect of Internal Financing on Financial Performance of Savings and Credit: Co-Operative Societies in Kakamega County, Kenya PDF
George Odhiambo Yogo, Wilfred N. Marangu, Fredrick N. Kiongera, Damianus O. Okaka 12-23
Health Care Financing in Nigeria: An Assessment of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) PDF
Eboh, Alfred, Akpata, Grace Oremeyi, Akintoye, Akinwole Ebenezer 24-34
Modeling the effect of credit channel of monetary transmission mechanism in Rwanda. PDF
Bangladeshi Tourists’ Attitude towards their Economic Responsibility PDF
Mohammad Ruhual Amin, Nusrat Jahan 69-85
Financial Distress in Commercial and Services Companies Listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya PDF
Elijah Kihooto, Job Omagwa, Muturi Wachira, Emojong Ronald 86-89
Vibrant Producers Group is the Key Instrument to Bring Prosperity of the Marginal Producers in Agricultural Sector: Experience Capitalization of Samriddhi Project PDF
Sumita Das, Khan Mohummad Mohiuddin, Sudipta Chowdhury 90-104
The Role of Government, Social Capital And Entrepreneurial Orientation To Export Performance of Craft SME at Bali Province PDF
I Gde Wedana Arjawa, Nyoman Djinar Setiawina, Made Kembar Sri Budhi, I Gde Sudjana Budiasa 105-114
Challenges Facing the Growth of SMEs in the Furniture Subsector in Nakuru County Town, Kenya PDF
Examining the Dynamics Relationship between Gold, Oil prices and Stock Markets: Experience from Jordan Economy PDF
Izz Eddien N. Ananzeh, Abdul Nafea Al-Zararee 135-142


Paper submission email: EJBM@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2222-1905 ISSN (Online)2222-2839

Vol 7, No 9 (2016) Journal of Developing Country Studies

Vol 7, No 9 (2016)

Table of Contents


Journal Cover Page PDF
Journal Editor
Business and Social Profiling of Immigrant-Owned Small Medium Enterprises: The Case of Somalian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Thembisile Hani Municipality of South Africa PDF
Sphiwe Jultah Ntuli, Jian Xiaoying 1-8
Electoral Violence and 2015 General Elections in Nigeria: A Focus on the Ramifications of Political Developments in Ebonyi State PDF
Joseph Okwesili Nkwede 9-18
Crises of Indian Higher Education System: An Overview PDF
Afroz Haider Rizvi 19-22
Are There Good Institutions in Ghana’s Oil and Gas Industry? PDF
Nammei Bayuasi Luki 23-56
Provider-Client Perception and Experiences on the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Medicines List in Both Public and Private Pharmacy in the Bantama Sub-Metro of Ashanti Region of Ghana PDF
Bertha Nimo Opoku, Kofi Akohene Mensah, Acheampong Enoch, Paul Okyere, Emmanuel Appiah-Brempong, Rose Odotei Adjei, Anthony Wemekor 57-64
A Time Series Analysis of Effect of Tax Revenue on Economic Development of Nigeria PDF
Ikebujo Ogechi Salome, E. L. Ibanichuka, F. N. Akani 65-70
The Strategy of Survival Family Poor Migrant in Surabaya: A Prelimenary Study PDF
Rustinsyah . 71-75
Investment and Financing Decisions Criteria in Ethiopia: Under Condition of Uncertainty PDF
Teferi Deyuu Alemi 76-85
The Role of Open and Distance Learning in Gender Equality and Women Empowerment – A Case of Diploma in Primary Teacher Education – The Open University of Tanzania PDF
Rahma Mohamed Msoffe 86-92
Transportation and National Development: Emphasis to Nigeria PDF
Adeniran, Adetayo Olaniyi, Yusuf, Temitope Bashirat 93-104
Smallholder Sugarcane Farmers’ Interactions in Innovation Partnerships and Its Implication on Livelihoods and Food Security in Mumias Sub-County, Kenya PDF
Lilian Kidula-Lihasi, Christopher Onyango, Washington Ochola 105-110
Distributional Analysis of Household Health Expenditure in Nigeria PDF
Omotunde Omotosho, Hyacinth Ementa Ichoku 111-120
Present Environmental Condition and Its Impact on Livelihood – A Case Study of Two Villages around the University of Barisal PDF
Md. Jamal Uddin, Anjuman Ara Rajonee 121-128
Understanding the Drivers of Policy Reforms in Africa: The influence of Neopatrimonialism on food policies in Malawi PDF
Horace Phiri 129-134
Behavioural Effects of Parental Violence on Learners’ Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Tigania East Sub-County of Meru County in Kenya PDF
Akwalu Aileen Gacheri – Mugambi 135-141
Ghana’s Urban Management Crisis: Case of Sunyani PDF
Augustine Yaw ASUAH, Wilfred Ebo SAM-AWORTWI, John Kwadwo Boateng KWATIA 142-149
The State and Politics of Public Policy Making in Nigeria: The Dilemma of Fuel Subsidy Removal Policy PDF
Ikenna Alumona, Jude Odigbo 150-156
RTRW Evaluation and Development Activities in Padang City Based on Public Perception PDF
Syafri Anwar 157-162


Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565