An Enhanced Mobile Financial Security System using Facial Recognition and Resident Token generator
A mobile application has been embraced over the years by various sectors of the economy for its ease and controlling power in communication, academics, social platforms, shopping, and financial services like banking. It has also been used to control residential gadgets connected through home networks from mobile smartphones. In the medical sector, it is being used for the retrieval of patient history to make medical resolutions. However, this developed application also poses a threat when not properly implemented or built, as interesting as it seems, it also has its cons, particularly in the financial industry that has embraced mobile banking. The challenges of the mobile app include having a single device with single authentication and authorization poses security issues and can be porous to attacks while some use SMS for token information which is also susceptible to spoofing attacks. The study aims to develop a facial recognition enabled mobile app authentication during the process of logging on a single device using a resident token generator enabled for authorization of transactions on the same banking app. The implementation of the token resident generator icon will be resident on the mobile app where Pin and generated token are used for approvals of banking transactions.
Keywords:Authorization, Authentication, Financial security, Two-factor authentication, Resident Token generator, Facial recognition, Mobile app
DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/13-3-02
Publication date:May 31st 2022
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