Representing a Model about the Effective Factors on Corporate Image

Mohammad Reza Shojaee


Management researchers, always focus on volume of sales, profit, costs, operations and factors which influence the improvement of organization and try to help management to better operate and differentiate the organization from their competitors. It seems that what has been neglected is the role of determining and key factors affecting the stakeholders and organization’s audience mentality. Since stakeholder’s mentality constitute their view about the organization and their views form their operation which would be luck for the organizations or not.

According to previous studies, few research has been conducted about the dimensions of imaging in stakeholders minds. The models provided in this paper by Kenndy (1977),Dowling(1986),Abratt (1989),Leblanc & Nguyen(1996) refers to very small area of the importance of these factors on corporate image.

In this paper, corporate imaging dimensions is viewed from three aspects of strategic and a model has been introduced in the end which includes 1) single product and multi product (each contains sub categories) strategy. 2)competitive aspect of strategy which includes geographic rang, position in the market and competitive weapon 3)operational aspect which includes managers characteristics, type of transaction with staff, competitors, customers, stockholders, market and industry.

The author believes that managers can better manage stakeholders minds by implementing these dimensions and in the end achieve success for the organization.

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