The Role of Marketing in Economic Development in Africa-Tanzania
At the beginning of the 21st century the task of re-examining the role of the state in economic development is becoming increasingly important for African policymakers because most countries have undergone some form of either externally imposed or self-imposed Structural Adjustment. The Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) have, however, had different outcomes in the different countries but none has succeeded in alleviating poverty and stimulating sustained development. In general however, SAPs have discouraged the state from playing a developmental role, because of a misconception that government should not have any role in the economy other than the regulation of economic activities and the enforcement of law and order. Therefore, in the light of the widespread poverty, and the high levels of unemployment and income inequality in most African countries, it is clear that the state must have a significant role in economic development.
Keywords: Marketing, Marketing System, Economic Development, and Significance.
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