The Effect of Time Management Practice on the Academic Achievement: A Case of Dire Dawa University, Ethiopia

Tesfaye Nigussie


The aim of the study or the research was to assess general time management practice /behavior of regular program students of Dire Dawa University and its association with their academic achievement, gender, and year of study. The research was conducted on Dire Dawa University the school business and economics regular program student. The total population of the study was 998. Therefore, the researcher employed proportionate stratified random sampling technique on the basis of the student’s year of study and academic achievement measured in terms of CGPA. The sample size was 120 students. The study predominantly sticks on primary data. The time management questionnaire developed by Britton and Tesser (1991) was used to measure time management behavior of participant students. Descriptive statistics was used to generate means, standard deviation and frequencies for the study variables, the prevalence of exposure conditions were checked for different sub-groups of the questionnaire and difference is was tested by using chi-square test. The result of this study showed that most students 45(35%) and 42(35%) possess time management score at moderate and high level respectively. With respect to gender difference is in time management, the result revealed that male students score in time management (mean score=55.72) were higher than female (50.5) students. With respect to the significance association between time management and academic achievement (CGPA), it was found in this study that the better students time management behavior, the higher the students CGPA. With respect to year of study, the results showed that the student’s general time management score were no significantly different between students due to year of study. Generally, this study underscores the importance of understanding the role time management in academic achievement. Certainly those who are unable to manage time well may be at risk for underachievement.

Keywords: General time management, Academic achievement, Student

DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-4-05

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