The Role of Training to Trainers and Teachers in the Era of Digital Education
E-learning has grown through several stages and transformations over the last twenty or thirty years. It is an umbrella term representing a continuum of educational and traing technology integration. It offers with the supplemental the use of technology in the classroom, through hybrid uses comprising either a blended learning or/and fully online instruction, which can be either to fully online synchronous or/and asynchronous distance learning environments, that can be delivered to remote learners or/and trainer. Certainly, it is not possible to give an all-encompassing definition of e-learning in just a single paragraph. E-learning is a mode of teaching of complex learning content, other tools offer new possibilities for communication between learners and teachers. Which of these tools should be combined for teaching depends on the learning content, the budge, the technological skills of teachers and learners, the bandwidth of the internet connection, and the technological equipment. It considers that e-learning core products of content, technology, and services. The emphasis is upon the importance of integrated learning paths that very according to student, the subject material, the level of competence, and corporate or student preferences. So, successful implementation of e-learning requires the user needs analysis to ascertain the needs of learners that came before any instructional design phase. The purpose of this study is to collect enough quantitative information from two groups to providing a comparison based on the role of training to trainers and teachers, which is aimed to explore the degree of professional development in designing, delivering, and supporting e-learning, and to provide some understanding of the current state and future direction into the state of certain aspects of e-learning. This study employed a questionnaire as a tool to collect data from both groups and after that analyzed the data to provide a comparison between the relevant aspects of e-learning, then provide a discussion of the related results. Finally, the conclusion of this study is provided with some future work that might be of interest to others in this field.
Keywords: Training Skills, Training Approaches, Virtual Training, Digital Education.
DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/16-10-05
Publication date: December 30th 2024
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