Innovation & Strategic Management Review

Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM) is an academic peered-reviewed international journal that encourages research and global dissemination of knowledge on innovation  and strategic management.

Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM) is hosted and published by The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)

The motive of Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM) is to develop and build expertise on the subject of strategic management of innovation.

To build expertise in this area, Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM) solicits and publishes manuscripts reflecting critical thinking on the edifying effects of strategic management on innovation’s effective market performance.

It encourages manuscripts based on quantitative, qualitative and experimental studies or critical content analysis and interpretivist  research paradigm. Shorter monographs, essays and book reviews on innovation and strategic management are also encouraged.

All manuscripts are subjected to rigorous double-blind peer review process by leading experts in the fields of strategic management and innovation. When the review process is complete, the Editor will inform the author(s) about the results of the evaluation process.   Based on each reviewer’s evaluation, the Editor will accept the manuscript for publication (without any improvement, with minor revision, with major revisions) or will reject it.


Editorial Board

Dr Okanga Boniface-University of Johannesburg-South Africa

Dr Antony Matemba Sambumbu-University of Fort-Hare-South Africa

Dr Melusi Mhlanga-University of Fort-Hare-South Africa

Dr Adri Drotskie-Henley Business School-South Africa

Dr Pat Mazibuko-Da Vinci Institute of Technology and Management-Johannesburg-South Africa


Editor-in-Chief- Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM)

Dr Okanga Boniface-University of Johannesburg


Journal Homepage Image



Call for Papers


Innovation is a key for sustainability and continuity in the increasingly discontinuous contemporary business landscapes. It enriches a firm’s portfolio of businesses by edifying new innovations’ proliferations as well as modifications and rebirth of the products  almost turning obsolete.

If strategically well managed, innovation can therefore leverage a firm’s continuity, profitability and enormous returns on shareholders’ values. That implies prior and during new innovations’ market introduction and growth, the overall effectiveness of strategic management of innovation is an imperative for necessary configurations and reconfigurations to navigate new innovations through all the turbulence of market complexities.

However, with innovation largely perceived as a scientific process, the integration of strategic management concepts with the process for innovation management as an edifier of new innovations’ successful market introduction and performance is an area that has not yet been widely explored by most of the contemporary scholars.

Innovation & Strategic Management Review (ISRM) therefore seeks to fill this gap by inviting papers reflecting critical thinking on the edifying effects of strategic management on the effectiveness of innovation’s initial process of ideation, conceptualisation and its subsequent market performance, growth and stability in the midst of all uncertainties and discontinuities.

Posted: 2017-06-13
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