Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 20 (2016) Determinant of Risk-Smart Options among Farming Households in Agricultural Risk Management in Imo State, Nigeria: A Multinomial Logit Model Approach Abstract   PDF
Onubuogu, G.C, N.S Esiobu
Vol 25 (2016) Determinants of Participation in Non-Farm Activities among Rural Households in Osun State- An Application of Multinomial Logit (Mnl) Model Abstract   PDF
SANUSI W.A, Dipeolu A.O, Momoh. S
Vol 26 (2016) Determinates of Employment Generation through Urban Agriculture: The Case of Bishoftu Area of Oromia Region, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Daniel Temesgen Gelan
Vol 26 (2016) Determinants of Farmers’ Seed Demand for Improved Wheat Varieties in Ethiopia: A Double Hurdle Model Approach Abstract   PDF
Tesfaye Solomon
Vol 28 (2016) Determinants of Access to Credit and Credit Source Choice by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Nekemte, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Fikadu Goshu Fufa
Vol 29 (2017) Determinants of Poverty in Rural Households (The Case of Damot Gale District in Wolaita Zone) A Household Level Analysis Abstract   PDF
Zegeye Paulos Borko
Vol 31 (2017) Determinants of Formal Sources of Credit Loan Repayment of Small Holder Farmers in Wogera Woreda Abstract   PDF
Ambachew Woreta Gemere
Vol 35 (2017) Determinants of Level of Women Participation in Urban Agriculture: The Case of Wolaita Sodo Town, Southern Region of Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Misrak Misikir Sebisibe
Vol 36 (2017) Determinants of Internal Auditors’ Whistleblowing Intentions of Selected Quoted Companies in Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Appah, Ebimobowei
Vol 38 (2017) Determinants of Smallholder Farmers’ Participation in Certified Coffee Value Chain: Evidence from Members of Coffee Cooperatives in Dale District, Sidamo, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Temesgen Zana
Vol 39 (2017) Determinants of Rural-Urban Migration in South-Waziristan Agency, Pakistan Abstract   PDF
Inam Ullah
Vol 39 (2017) Determinants of Obesity among Working Adults in Wolaita Sodo Town, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Dagim Abera
Vol 42 (2018) Determinants of Chickpea Marketed Surplus Among Smallholder Farmers in Humbo and Damot Gale Woredas, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Besufekad Belayneh
Vol 48 (2018) Determinants of the Performance of Small Scale Irrigation in Improving Household Farm Income in Hadiya Zone, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Vol 48 (2018) Determinants of Investment in Pakistan in Pakistan (1992-1973) Abstract   PDF
Muhammad Qasim
Vol 55 (2019) Determinants of Gender Differences on Soybean Production in Bambasi District, Benishangul Gumuz National Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Hawa Mehari
Vol 56 (2019) Determinants of Commercialization of Tef: The Case of Smallholder Farmers in Dendi District of Oromia, Central Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Addisu Getahun
Vol 56 (2019) Determinates of Youth Saving Habit in Kembeta Timbaro Zone: Case of Doyogena Woredad Abstract   PDF
Birhanu Hankamo Kintamo
Vol 60 (2020) Determinates of Urban Poverty at Household Level: The Case of Wolaitta Soddo Town, SNNPRS, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Tamirat Tanga Tantasa
Vol 64 (2020) Determining Factors Influencing the Adoption of Spate Irrigation in Guguf, Northern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Girmay Abreha Weldesenbet
Vol 68 (2020) Determinants of the Adoption of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices in Siyadebrina Wayu District, North Shewa, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Tekeste Kifle
Vol 69 (2020) Determinants of Adoption of Physical Soil and Water Conservation Technologies in Dengab Micro-Watershed, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Enawugaw Alemayehu
Vol 72 (2021) Determinants of Rural Women’s Adaptation Measures to Climate Change in Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone of South Western Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Mohammed Ahme
Vol 75 (2021) Determinants of Organizational Change Implementation Success: The Case of Ethiopian Commodity Exchange Authority Abstract   PDF
Temesgen Woldamanuel Wajebo
Vol 47 (2018) Developing Worksheet Based on Multiple Intelligences to Optimize the Creative Thinking Abstract   PDF
Alben Ambarita, Anida Luthfiana, Suwarjo .
176 - 200 of 758 Items << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > >> 

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