Evaluation of Effect of Exchange Rate Variability on Export of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Product: Case of Oilseeds
This research was carried out to find out the effect of exchange rate variability on export of oilseeds. It has employed annual time series data (1992-2010) collected from the country’s different institutions, namely: National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), and Ethiopian Custom Authority (ECA). Tools of descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data and understand the dynamics of the variables included in the analysis. Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) with Wald test was used to test the hypothesis that ‘there is no short run and long run relationship between export oilseeds and explanatory variables included in the model’. The result revealed that export oilseeds have negative relationship with exchange rate variability. Terms of Trade (TOT) was found to be negative and significant. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is found to be insignificant; implying contribution of oilseeds to the export basket of the country is decreasing. Moreover, the underlined hypothesis was rejected confirming that there is a long run relationship between export and oilseeds and explanatory variables included. Export diversification and value addition are of possible solutions the country should focus on to improve the ever decreasing terms of trade and extract the gain from policy changes.
Key Words: Exchange rate variability, Devaluation, Export, Oilseeds, ARDL and Wald test
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