Review of Potentials and Challenges of Ecotourism in Improving Nature Conservation in Developing Countries

Shabu Jemal Abakorma


Around the world, ecotourism has been hailed as a panacea: a way to fund conservation and scientific research, protect fragile and pristine ecosystems, benefits rural communities, promote development in poor countries, enhance ecological and cultural aspects. It is often positioned as an alternative to mass tourism, however, the understanding and implementation of the concept has been riddled with uncertainty. The ideal balance of conserving and developing at the same time is considered paradoxical not just for ecotourism but also related concepts like sustainability and improving nature conservations as well. This review paper critically examines the nature and application of ecotourism in improving nature conservations in developing countries. It adopted triangulation method which involved examination of two bases of information, on the one hand information from secondary sources including books, journals, and on the other hand from periodical bulletins. It was found that ecotourism has not achieved the objective of integrating conservation of biodiversity and the socioeconomic development of adjacent communities; one reason for the existing implementation problems has been the concept itself and how it has been operationalized. Furthermore, ecotourism in the developing countries has been plagued with issues related to non-realization of promised benefits, none or weak development structures and absence of efficient governance and management. Thus, the review recommends greater coordination between the stakeholders involved in ecotourism and of key interest, the participation of the government and the local community. The present reviewed sources are twofold; theoretical and empirical, that gives understanding of why the developing countries have not been able to sustainably develop ecotourism and provides the concerned parties with crucial insights on the possible actions for achieving the objectives of ecotourism in improving nature conservations.

Keywords: ecotourism, nature conservation, developing countries, sustainability

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