Assessing the Level of Test-Anxiety Manifestation among Junior Secondary School Students in Ebonyi State
This study focused on the assessing the level of test-anxiety manifestation among junior secondary school students in Ebonyi State. The study looked at basic concepts and some literatures in the areas of anxiety, assessment, test, test-anxiety, factor influencing test-anxiety. For this, the researcher constructed a twenty-item (questionnaire, statements) on how people generally feel and how they feel after taking a test. Nine hundred and sixty questionnaire forms were administered to junior secondary school students in the eight sampled schools in the selected rural and urban areas. A 100% return rate of the instrument was recorded and the instrument was validated by experts in the field of psychology. Data was analyzed using simple standard deviation and t-test statistics. The results among others revealed that sex is presumed not to be a strong indicator of test-anxiety in boys and girls; it was found that those in the rural schools manifested high level of test-anxiety more than their urban counterparts. Recommendations were made on the findings of the study.
Keywords: Test-Anxiety, Anxiety, Assessment, Junior Secondary Schools

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ISSN 2408-770X (Print Version)
ISSN: 2408-6231 (Online Version)