Epidemiological Characteristics of Great Depression Diseases of Hospitalized Patients in Psychiatric Hospital"Skopje" - Skopje for a Five Year Period From 2013 - 2017

Biljana Iliev, Irina Pavlovska, Andromahi Naumovska


Severe depression beside the pathological mood, also denotes the cognitive, perceptual, and motor activities that are psychopathologically related to the scope of all psychic dynamics, which means cognitive, conative, and emotional. This mental illness covers a large area of ​​the affective life of a man with a wide range of severe depression classified by ICD - 10 - F 32, F32.2 and F 32.3.  By using a retrospective approach in the research will be gathered data from medical histories on biological and social factors that act positively or negatively on the occurrence and course of major depression. The research aims to determine the total number of patients with severe depression treated in hospital conditions in the Psychiatric Hospital ,,Skopje’’ - Skopje for a period of 5 years from 2013-2017 in order to get a clear picture of the factors and specific predictors that lead to development of  major depression.  Within the research methods all the parameters contained will be calculated so that it can be concluded that the predictors influence and differ from other stakeholders responsible for etiopathogenesis, although they have a mutual influence. From the obtained data we expect to obtain the scope of the influence of socio-demographic data on the occurrence of Major Depression and sequelae of the disease.

Keywords: severe depression, cognitive function, affectivity, mental illness, medical history

DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/95-06

Publication date: November 30th 2021


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