Leadership Practice among Nurses in Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore
Introduction: The planned role of leadership can be used to examine on how to engage leadership models and use leadership behavior to progress organizational performance. The intangible assets such as leadership styles, culture, skill and competence, and motivation are key sources of strength in firms that can combine people and processes and organizational performance. A need was also observed for nursing leaders to reflect and self-evaluate their leadership considering perceptions from the team on their adopted actions and practices, as the leadership practices are powerful indicators of the performance of the work of the nursing team.
Methodology: Leadership Practices - Self assessment and Leadership Practices – Observer: The data collection tool was used for this study is self-assessment scale. It was designed in 1987 to be utilized by a leader to self-evaluate themselves in how frequently they engage in leadership practices. The thirty descriptive statements are given and a Likert scale was used. The head nurses was required indicating their opinions by circle from, rarely or Very Seldom = 1, Once in a While = 2 Sometimes = 3 Fairly Often = 4 Very Frequently or Almost Always = 5. The five practices are identified as challenge the process, inspire a shared vision, enable others to act, model the way, and encourage the heart same repeatedly question asked from nurses to assess the perception (Posner & Kouzes, 1988).
Results: The study revealed that the managers moderately performed the leadership practices. A significantly positive relationship was found between the manager and subordinate's assessment of challenging the process and inspiring a shared vision (p=.045).
Discussion: the results of this study support the existence of a relationship between the self-assessment and the subordinate's assessment. This study also indicates that the managers in this study moderately exhibited the leadership practices as identified in Kouzes and Posner's (1987) research.
DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/100-03
Publication date:May 31st 2022
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