Optimal Location of Shunt FACTS Devices using Genetic Algorithm for Transmission Line Model
FACTS devices are used for controlling transmission voltage, Power flow, dynamic response and reducing reactive losses in transmission lines. It has been proven that the midpoint of a transmission line is the optimal location for shunt FACTS devices and is based on the simplified line model, which is not valid practically. In this paper, the optimal location of static VAR compensator which is a shunt FACT device has been investigated for both maximum power transfer and stability, considered the actual line model by using Genetic Algorithm. In most of the cases, the faults occurred at source end bus, considered fix load at receiving end. However the optimality changes if fault occurred at load end bus and load is variable. In this paper, fault location at both ends and load variation are considered for searching optimal location of SVC using GA. It is found that the static VAR compensator should be placed slightly off center to get the maximum power.
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, line Compensation, SVC

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