CryptoQuestion: The Solution of Question Leakage
Question paper leakage is a severe problem, particularly in academic education. In Bangladesh, the catastrophe of question papers leak has taken an epidemic turn in recent few years. The tendency of question leakage is on the rise even after, a number of steps have been taken by the concerned authorities. Some solution has been proposed regarding the preventing of question leakage, but they do not address the confidentiality of question while storing in the server. In the research, we introduce a cryptography-based system for forming, warehousing and distributing question papers. As the proposed model requires no action for printing question and does not store the question undeviatingly, it supports full confidentiality of question paper in public examination. Theoretically the proposed system proves the ability to maintain confidentiality of question paper and to prevent question leakage.
Keywords: CryptoQuestion, Question Bank, Set Protocol, Question Combo.
DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-4-03
Publication date:June 30th 2019
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