Sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Sustainable Data Governance in Nigeria: A Narrative Review.
Recent developments in big data have heightened the need for Sustainable Data Governance (SDG). SDG is significant in realizing sustainable economic development in Nigeria. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have made landmark innovational trends in empowering data governance globally. Despite these global impacts of ICT on data governance, numerous investigations have shown that poor sustainability of ICT in Nigeria poses barriers that impede progress related to data governance. SDG which is the pivot for economic growth has remained relatively nonexistence or unattended to due to corrupt policies and practices, ignorance, and illiteracy that plagued sustainable ICT innovations in Nigeria. For this study, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was adopted as the conceptual framework. UTAUT model claims that the benefits of using technology and the factors that drive users’ decision to use it, is what determines users’ acceptance behavior. In this study, the authors explored a narrative review, analysis, and synthesis of prior research that focused on the theoretical underpinnings of vast works of literature that revealed significant information on the impact of sustainable ICT on Sustainable Data Governance in Nigeria. The authors also extracted peer-reviewed articles within the last five years from electronic databases, using some keywords such as “ICT and SDG”, “ICT and national economic development”, “Trends for ICT”, etc. The result of this study revealed that strict adherence to policies, laws, and guidelines on the adoption of ICT coupled with good formulation and communication of same, are the major impact of sustainable ICT that can leverage SDG in Nigeria. The result from this study may increase understanding, minimize corrupt practices and encourage trust in ICT innovations, ICT adoption, its acceptance and sustainability that can positively impact SDG and national economic development in Nigerian.
Keywords: ICT, Sustainable Data Governance, adoption, sustainability, Trends, Trust, corruption.
DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-5-02
Publication date: August 31st 2019

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