Investigation of the Barrier Effectiveness in Open-Planned Offices: A Sample Analysis
It is possible to give speech sound as the primary source of noise in open plan offices. The noise caused by the speech voice has an impact on both the intelligibility of speech and the confidentiality of speech. For jobs and areas that require a high level of perception, the acoustically unsuitable work environment often causes distraction, resulting in a reduction in labor productivity. Therefore, in the study: it is aimed to present concrete precautions to be taken in order to provide auditory comfort for open plan offices at the design stage. According to TS EN ISO 3382-3 standard, STI value in the nearest working unit, Aweighted sound pressure level of the speech unit, as well as distance (rD) and distance (rP) where privacy begins to decrease over two open-plan office projects. The relationship between the rate of reduction (D2, S), the A-weighted sound pressure level (Lp, A, S, 4 m) of the speech sound at a distance of 4m, the background noise level (Lp, A, B) with the variability of the obstacle design used between ODEON 15.14 volume acoustics were analyzed and analyzed by simulation program.
Keywords: Open-planned office, barrier design, architectural acoustics, noise control.
DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-04-10
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