An Empirical Study on Irregular Migration in Ethiopia: Policy Perspective
Developing countries such as Ethiopia face cross border irregular migration which is mainly triggered by push and pull factors. In spite of this fact, not much is known on many of the recent aspects of irregular migration and few studies have been conducted on the incidence. Since irregular migration is getting more and more severe in Ethiopia, it needs investigation on its causes and consequences from policy perspective. Therefore, this study was aimed to conduct an exploration on irregular migration from policy perspective in the Southern Ethiopian Region. From this region human traffickers and human smugglers use three outlets such as the southern outlet to South Africa via Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique, the north western outlet to Europe via Sudan and North Africa, and the northeastern outlet to Arab countries. To achieve the objective this study employed an in-depth case study design. Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Key informant people were purposely and randomly sampled to conduct an interview and questionnaire. Data was analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive statistical technique and empirical analysis. Socio-economic and political causes and consequences of irregular migration, policy gaps that contribute to the incidence, and policy implementation problems were explored in this study.
Keywords: Irregular migration; Policy; Cause; Consequence; Ethiopia
DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-3-01
Publication date:March 31st 2020
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