Electoral Reforms in India: Needs, Issues and Challenges
India’s freedom signalled the end of European imperialism and new start of rule of people in India through democratic principles, values and norms. Democracy, equality and fundamental rights became the core value of India’s constitution. Indian constitution accepted parliamentary democracy because freedom struggle has given experience of democratic value to Indians. Democracy believes in the people and their political rights. Parliamentary democracy has taken steps to protect the democratic principles, trust and values from structural flaws. In this regard, electoral process and electoral politics is the life and soul for consolidation of parliamentary democratic system in India. The free and fair elections are fundamental basis for success of democracy. Political stability can secure through people’s political participation. Electoral system is necessary and important instrument to make parliamentary democracy work. Under the constitutional values and guidelines of election commission free and fair elections are held at regular intervals in India. To make them from free of flaws it is essential to reform the electoral system from time to time. This paper evaluates need, issues and challenges for electoral reforms in India.
Keywords: Parliamentary Democracy, Democratic principles, Political Participation, Election, Political Stability, Electoral Reform
DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-9-03
Publication date:September 30th 2020
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