The Nexus Between Urban Plan Implementation and Governance Culture of Ethiopia: The Cases of Dilla and Werabie Towns, Southern Region
The ultimate goal of urban planning and implementation is to ensure the improvement in the lives of urban society and the growth of the city, which in turn demands different attributes of good governance. Successful implementation of the urban plans requires strong political will, transparent legal framework, sound and flexible urban planning as well as finance. The research is conducted based on the practical experiences of two urban centers. Descriptive approach is followed as the research designing and Digital data collection is employed for capturing spatial data of land uses. Focused Group Discussions were thoroughly deliberated. Document review was cautiously performed in the perspective of the plan implementation. The findings of the critical analysis elicited there is strong nexus between the level of plan implementation and governance conception. To enjoy from the benefits of urbanization, inclusive planning, effective management, good governance and institutional setup are must.
Keywords: governance, land use, plan implementation, Plan Violation, urban planning
DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-9-01
Publication date: November 30th 2021
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