Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Terminal Retribution at Mamuju District West Sulawesi Indonesia in the Era of Regional Autonomy
The level of effectiveness based on the target varies annually but has declined.The highest level of effectiveness in 2002.The acceptance of terminal retributionin Mamuju district during the observation period by 93% per year.Level of efficiency is quite efficient, although the level of efficiency of the resulting terminal fee collection show during the observation period the lower or less efficient but still in the good category.Operating costs and the number of collectors has a significant influence on the acceptance of terminal charges, but the number of collectors affect the retribution revenue through the terminal operating costs, because the cost of operating its own highly influenced by the number of collectors.Operating expenses has a positive relationship with the terminal so the retribution revenue increased operational cost effectively improve the reception terminal retribution.The number of collectors increase is mainly due to inadequate terminal facilities in the absence of the doorway so that all intake can be monitored and can prevent leakage in revenue.
Keywords: terminalretribution, effectiveness, efficiency, and operational costs.
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