Vol 8, No 5 (2018)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
Dynamics of Inter-Ethnic Relations, Peaceful Co-Existence, Conflicts, and Peace Building Mechanisms between the Gumuz and Non-Gumuz Communities (1961-1974) PDF
Wondim Tiruneh Zeleke 1-15
Self-Awareness of Co-Curricular Activities and Its Effectiveness in Developing the Personality of Teenagers PDF
Ku Siti Nor Habibah Bt Ku Mohd Razali, Siti Noraqilah Bt Hisham @ Dalha, Shamnor Syaza Dania Bt Badrol Hisham, Nor Farhana Bt Basir 16-18
Improving Biology Students Understanding of Basic Biological Concepts through Diagnostic Testing and Early Tutorial Support for Quality Education; Experience from Dire Dawa University PDF
Hailemariam Mamo Hassen 19-24
Analysis of Income Convergence between Sub-Saharan Africa and High-Income Economies: Role of the Components of Trade PDF
Joseph Antwi Baafi 25-55
Dynamics of Housing Affordability for the Rural Population of Nigeria PDF
Usen Udoh 56-63
Gendered Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects of the Dairy Value Chain in Tanzania PDF
Anna N Sikira, Elizabeth M Waithanji, Allesandra Galie, Isabel Baltenweck 64-71
Social Accountability in the Health Sector: Toward Conceptual Clarity to Public Social Services Delivery in Chamwino District, Tanzania PDF
Rehema Kilonzo, Richard Msittu 72-79
An Analysis of the Potential Applications of Big Data Analytics (BDA) in Supply Chain Management: Emerging Market Perspective PDF
Arifur Rahman, Ather Yeasir Fahim 80-90

Paper submission email: DCS@iiste.org

ISSN (Paper)2224-607X ISSN (Online)2225-0565

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